Anyone convicted of possessing, making, or distributing child pornography faces heavy punishments under Arizona law. Even after jail or prison time is served, the consequences of a child pornography conviction can be life-altering. If you or a loved one were charged with sexual exploitation of…
Information for families preparing for a loved one entering the Arizona Department of Corrections: If your loved one is sentenced to serve time in the Arizona Department of Corrections, they will be taken from the courtroom directly to the County jail until the pick up…
Law evolves over time as society changes. However, some strange laws still remain on the books in many places, including Arizona. While not all remain enforced, a few of these unexpected regulations can leave you wondering how lawmakers passed them in the first place. Here…
If you are a resident of Arizona between the ages of 18 and 75, you could receive a request for jury duty. When you receive a jury summons, do not ignore it. Under Arizona and federal law, you must appear for jury duty unless you…
Indecent exposure is a serious offense in the United States as well as in Arizona. Several key factors determine the seriousness of an indecent exposure conviction, including whether the event was reckless in nature, the location where it happened, and the age of the victim.…
To have the courts seal a criminal record in Arizona, defendants must seek a set-aside judgment. For individuals living with a criminal record, the thought of having that record sealed or expunged is likely a lifetime goal with the potential to open up countless opportunities.…